Here at the Foley Police Department, we offer quite a few programs throughout the year. Each program is designed with different intent. Whether it is intended for safety, informative, preparation, or community engagement, these programs give us a chance to better connect with our community.

Cardio with a Cop
Cardio with a Cop is a new program meant to help those with an interest in joining the PD as an officer. In order to be hired into the department as an officer, you need to pass the Physical Training Test which includes timed sit ups, push ups, obstacle course completion, and a distance run. This program is meant to get individuals prepared so they can pass on Prospect Day.

Citizens Police Academy
The Citizens Police Academy (CPA) is a 12-week program that provides up to 20 residents the opportunity to experience Law Enforcement from the "other side". Modules include time spent at the firing range, a K-9 demo, a Special Response Team demo, exposure to traffic stops, and arrest procedures. CPA is usually offered twice a year.

Coffee with a Cop
Coffee with a Cop is an opportunity for us to get to know our community members on a personal level. The Chief, other staff members, and our officers meet with customers at local restaurants in a relaxed atmosphere for a meet and greet.

Identification Kits
Child Fingerprinting is offered to the community to give parents peace of mind if their child were to go missing. The kits include a photo, fingerprints, and a voice recording of the child answering a few basic questions. Those pieces of information collected will be saved to the system for use if needed.

Police Explorers
Foley Police Department Explorer Post 77 is the oldest Explorer program in the state. It's designed to give high school students a chance to see what it'd be like to have a career in Law Enforcement. Students assist officers during community events and get the chance to ride with patrol officers. At least four of our explorers have gone on to enter law enforcement in some capacity!

Run, Hide, Fight
Run, Hide, Fight is a class we offer to businesses. This course teaches individuals what to do if they were in a situation with an active shooter. Along with a PowerPoint presentation explaining best practices and preparation strategies, our officers will walk around the building with our attendees to give a personal look at how to handle such situations.